email marketing

What is a Call to Action and How to Write a Successful One

Hey, you! You need to get to work!

Your business needs to grab its audience’s attention. You post on social media and send out emails, but many people do not respond.

Over 290 billion emails are sent and received every day across the world. The thing that distinguishes the ones that work from those who do not is the call to action.

It would be best if you grabbed your reader’s attention, then send them on their way to your website. But how? Here is a guide on the call to action in writing.

What Is a Call to Action?

A CTA is a phrase that tells the user what action to take and how they should take it. It is included at the bottom of emails and blog posts.

Calls to action can be many different things. They are usually one sentence, but some can be longer. Some calls incorporate hyperlinks, while others include clickable buttons or are buttons themselves.

Some calls to action are short, containing only a few words. “Click here” or “find out more” are two of the most common calls.

They are also the least effective calls. Though they encourage a straightforward action, they do not give the reader a good preview of the next page. The reader may think a company lacks creativity, given that they use such a common call to action.

How to Write a Call to Action

The best call to action can only work if the content before it is interesting. If your reader clicks away, it doesn’t matter what your call is. Encourage your reader to open their email, then keep their attention with important information.

Structure your email in an upside-down triangle model. Start with a broad introduction that hooks your reader in.

Then get more specific with time. Include transitions that make your call feel natural. Your call is the culmination of your writing, serving as the action the reader can take with the information they just learned.

Your call to action should be concise. Please keep it to one sentence at its longest.

Provoke your reader’s enthusiasm with strong verbs and nouns. Add an exclamation point for an energetic pop.

Include a hyperlink in your CTA. Contain the hyperlink in two to five words, but keep the comments short. If your call is in a button, place your button right at the bottom of your email.

Make sure the link goes to a page that loads quickly. Do not link to your homepage but to another page that is of strong value. If you sell products, link to your catalog.

The Write Way to Market

A call to action is an essential component of any email marketing campaign. Yet so many companies write a boring CTA.

A CTA should tell the user an action to take, then give them a place to take action. They should be short. Avoid using cliches like “click here,” and opt for a more creative call.

Write a call that serves as the culmination of your email. Let everything build to that point, then use creative language that draws the reader’s eye. Give them an important page to go to.

When you are ready to start your campaign, go to the experts for advice. One Stop Emails is San Diego’s leading email marketing service. Contact us today.