Email marketing

Email Marketing: Why Your Subject Line Matters

Growing a business involves letting your customers know where you are and the different products and services you offer. With the right marketing strategy in place, your customers will be educated about your brand, allowing them to follow your call to action, thus translating into sales. However, the days of using television, billboards, and newspapers have passed. Your customers are online, so reaching them requires a digital marketing strategy to meet them where they are.

Email marketing is a key part of any digital marketing strategy. Even with the growth of social media marketing, email is still one of the primary ways to reach customers, providing news and product information. But you can have those potential customers delete your email before even reading it with a poorly written subject line. So why is it important, and how can you make sure your subject line grabs their attention?

It Creates a First Impression

Your subject line is the first conversion you need to make. Not only can it help to ensure your emails are read, but it also can assist in keeping your emails from being thrown into the spam folder. How can you test your subject line to ensure it creates the right first impression? Divide your mailing list into smaller lists and test the open rate of several subject lines in different groups.

You can then determine and use the best subject line with your whole mailing list. Email marketing strategies mean analyzing your open history and determining which subject lines have the greatest impact.

Avoid Spam Filters

Another way your subject line impacts you is by helping you avoid spam filters. Don’t use all caps, exclamation points, and catchy sales phrases can end up having your emails diverted into spam filters, meaning your target audience never even sees them. Even if you avoid the spam filters, your audience might report it as spam. 69% of email recipients report emails as spam based on the subject line alone.

Proofread for Errors and Be Concise

While it might seem like an error or two isn’t a big deal, it can be a real turnoff to your potential customers if they are in your subject line. Also, avoid lengthy subject lines. Instead, your email marketing should be concise. Consider that your emails will likely be opened on a mobile device, so concise subject lines will be easier for your audience to read. 82% of marketers send emails with subject lines of 60 characters or less. The less lengthy your subject line, the better your chance of getting potential customers to click on the links included.

Strike a Balance

With most digital content, a subject line should strike a balance between informative and intriguing, thus inducing your audience to click the links and learn more. The better your subject line, the better your chance of connecting with your audience, thus converting them into customers. Once they buy your products or services, you can convert them into repeat customers.

You must include regular email marketing content to amp up your digital marketing strategy. Learn how to use email marketing effectively to generate leads and increase the overall exposure of your business to potential customers using our email marketing programs. One Stop Emails provides customized email marketing plans to help your business connect and engage your customers. Their team takes deep dives into the data, creating a plan that capitalizes on what your customers want.