email marketing tips

5 Email Marketing Tips That Will Help You Stand Out

Take a guess at how many emails people send each day. It’s not one million, 100 million, or even one billion. No, people send an estimated 300 billion emails every single day.

That’s a lot of emails, and almost 90 billion are spam. Naturally, people are wary of which ones they click on. If your email doesn’t stand out, there’s a good chance they’ll trash it.

We’re here with some email marketing tips to ensure your copy is enticing to customers. You’ve got a brief window to catch their attention before losing it forever.

Keep reading for five dead-simple email marketing strategies for growing a business.

1. One of the Best Email Marketing Tips: Keep Things Short and Sweet

While it may be a myth that humans have the attention span of a goldfish, our attention spans are indeed getting shorter. People have less patience even for a marketing message that keeps up with the latest email marketing trends.

The benefits of email marketing only happen when you don’t force customers to read a book. Keep emails less than 200 words–but north of 60. Short emails help with visual appeal and create a friendlier relationship.

2. Build Strong Visuals

In addition to short attention spans, humans are very visual creatures. We need visual stimulation, or we start to get bored. One too many companies have a dull or simplistic graphic design.

Business success starts with a design that pops. However, emails these days tend to have a lot of images, so don’t overdo it.

3. Personalize Emails

People can tell when they’ve received a mass-marketing email shotgunned at all customers. It’s a common content marketing strategy, but it’s not as effective as calling people by their first name.

Adding their name isn’t enough, either. Give them discounts or offers that only they can use to make them feel special. Remind them of previous purchases, or make personalized suggestions for products they may enjoy.

4. Make it Easy for the Customer to Act

Don’t just have a standard CTA. Give the customer a simple way to interact with your email. For example, give them a button to click on that takes them directly to a specific page.

This is great for surveys and other things you want customers to interact with.

5. Don’t Forget Social Media

Social media is vital to your email marketing, believe it or not. Some people may never respond to emails. But they will engage with your social media platforms.

Lead them to all your social media links every time you send an email. If Instagram is more of their thing, then you won’t risk them losing track of your most generous offers.

Build a Strong Email Marketing Campaign Today

Now you’re ready to go with the top five email marketing tips. Truncate your emails down to a readable size, and make them personalized eye candy that gives them easy ways to interact. And give them the option to keep up with you on Facebook or Twitter if social media isn’t their style.

At OneStopEmails, we have a thing for well-crafted email newsletters. Visit our website and allow us to build you automated drip emails to ensure business success.

One Stop Emails provides customized email marketing plans to help your business connect and engage your customers. Their team takes deep dives into the data, creating a plan that capitalizes on what your customers want.